Sunday 11 December 2022


Everything comes with both positive and negative effects, so why not try to focus on positives aspects more.

It’s really hard to jut stay positive and just being at home for so long. And maybe after a while this lockdown and staying at home may feel like we are trapped or we are in jail and its absolutely normal because we have not faced such a situation ever in our lives.

Home quarantine can be unpleasant and it might also have some serious negative impacts on our brain. It may seem end of the world and so many more really insane thoughts which can be harm our mental health so here are some positive impacts in this hard time-

  1.  This lockdown brought us close to our family. And specially for the people who were just so busy with their life,work,studies etc. its just a small pause to our really hectic and busy scheduled life.
  2.  Just notice how much time we are actually spending with our family,just enjoying each other’s company, discovering new talents , spending time on doing what we love and many more indoor activities which enhances our creativity.
  3.  India has finally become Digital India. Students are studying online, office workers are doing meetings on digital platforms, and we are even using web applications for buying and paying.
  4.  Even though we are all far away by distance but we are united as INDIANS, and there is no such feeling in the world that can match the feeling of nationalism.
  5.  River water is seen to be clearer and even better air quality is noticed. The visuals of clear water is the result of the shutdown of most industries. And better air quality is determined because of less usage of vehicles as the schools, colleges and even offices are closed due to the risk of sprad of corona virus.

Staying at home is not punishment it’s a necessary preventive measure towards corona virus. It is serious and the only way to control it is by staying at hope so do yourself and others a favour just by staying at home.

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