Sunday 11 December 2022

What if the world was black & white ?


Even the thought of the world with no colours is scaring to us as we have lived in this world; the world full of colours since the day we were born, even when we did’nt knew the names of the colours we knew we are surrounded be so many colours.

With colours comes joy, attraction, and the beauty of our surroundings. The people, the houses, the nature , would it even be as beautiful as it is right now?  I don’t think so. But there are both pros and cons of the world being black and white.

If the world would be black and white there would not be any discrimination on the basis of colour because there would be only 3 colours; black, white and gray (shades of grey). As there would not be much different people will not be so quick to judge other people. So the pro of the world with no colours is that there would be no racism.

But also if there are no colours in world things would be hard for us to recognize and understand cetain things or feelings. As all colours have their own significance such as red signifies danger or anger or love, white signifies peace, and so on. As people use colours to express their feelings or something that they need the other person to know. But if the world will have only black and white it would be really difficult for us to express our feelings and thoughts and that is the con.


What if the world was black & white

Even the thought of the world with no colours is scaring to us as we have lived in this world; the world full of colours since the day we were born, even when we did’nt knew the names of the colours we knew we are surrounded be so many colours.

With colours comes joy, attraction, and the beauty of our sorroundings. The people, the houses, the nature , would it even be as beautiful as it is right now?  I don’t think so. But there are both pros and cons of the world being black and white.

If the world would be black and white there would not be any discrimination on the basis of colour because there would be only 3 colours; black, white and gray (shades of grey). As there would not be much different people will not be so quick to judge other people. So the pro of the world with no colours is that there would be no racism.

But also if there are no colours in world things would be hard for us to recognize and understand cetain things or feelings. As all colours have their own significance such as red signifies danger or anger or love, white signifies peace, and so on. As people use colours to express their feelings or something that they need the other person to know. But if the world will have only black and white it would be really difficult for us to express our feelings and thoughts and that is the con.



Everything comes with both positive and negative effects, so why not try to focus on positives aspects more.

It’s really hard to jut stay positive and just being at home for so long. And maybe after a while this lockdown and staying at home may feel like we are trapped or we are in jail and its absolutely normal because we have not faced such a situation ever in our lives.

Home quarantine can be unpleasant and it might also have some serious negative impacts on our brain. It may seem end of the world and so many more really insane thoughts which can be harm our mental health so here are some positive impacts in this hard time-

  1.  This lockdown brought us close to our family. And specially for the people who were just so busy with their life,work,studies etc. its just a small pause to our really hectic and busy scheduled life.
  2.  Just notice how much time we are actually spending with our family,just enjoying each other’s company, discovering new talents , spending time on doing what we love and many more indoor activities which enhances our creativity.
  3.  India has finally become Digital India. Students are studying online, office workers are doing meetings on digital platforms, and we are even using web applications for buying and paying.
  4.  Even though we are all far away by distance but we are united as INDIANS, and there is no such feeling in the world that can match the feeling of nationalism.
  5.  River water is seen to be clearer and even better air quality is noticed. The visuals of clear water is the result of the shutdown of most industries. And better air quality is determined because of less usage of vehicles as the schools, colleges and even offices are closed due to the risk of sprad of corona virus.

Staying at home is not punishment it’s a necessary preventive measure towards corona virus. It is serious and the only way to control it is by staying at hope so do yourself and others a favour just by staying at home.

Wednesday 2 February 2022

Harsh reality of Mental Illness in India

Mental illness is a mental health disorder that involves changes in behavior, emotions, and feelings. Mental illness can be a mood disorder or a serious medical condition. WHO(World Health Organisation) also estimates that about 7.5 percent of Indians suffer from some mental disorder and predicts that by end of this year roughly 20 percent of India will suffer from mental illnesses.  

And still mental illness is such a stigma in our society that even if a person reaches out for help and tells that they are suffering from a mental illness, people still just ignore it. We as the youth of the society are responsible for the change that needs to be made in our country, to make people aware and kind, understand the mental disorders, and help people. Taking therapy or sessions with a psychiatrist is necessary for people who are suffering from a mental illness. 

Mental illness is not the kind of illness that you can prominently see. You might be living with a person who is suffering a severe mental disorder and you may not even know, many people don't even know themselves that they are ill. 

Everyone has different experiences with mental illness, some might experience it for a few months and then everything starts getting back to normal, or it can last for years. We can not judge a person’s health by their lifestyle, looks, or wealth. 

The experience for everyone can be entirely different, some may sleep too much or not sleep at all, some can work all day and some can’t even get up from the bed, for some it may hit just at night, or for some, it can hit occasionally, some hide it well or some just express it all. 

Here are experiences of some of the people I know-

"Growing up I was really shy and quiet, because of which I never had any close friends, and I could not build any significant relationship with the friends which I had. They were more like colleagues than friends or companians. I could understand that they did not want to hang out or talk with me but were just being nice by accompanying me. We hardly talked and I could feel they were annoyed by my presence. At home, the situation was even worse, my sister with whom I don't get along well used to taunt me everytime on everything (she does that even today). I remember she used to say I did not have any friends and will always stay alone, my mom and dad used to fight a lot and my used to say I am becoming just like my father and if I don't make friends it will be very bad for (I would not blame her as she wanted me to be happy but her ways only made me not talk with her about my issues, whenever I wanted to cry I would lock myself in the bathroom and cry alone). My coping up mechanism was not talking about issues and just running from them, which I think was successful in avoiding further complications but gave me some serious insecurities which I can feel even now."

"Reading helps me in coping up with my anxiety because when I read, I focus on the story of the book rather than my problems".

"Whenever I feel depressed or in a state of anxiety I prefer to be alone and listen songs, I prefer to go out alone in the park and sir there, sometimes I do breathe in and out. And the most important is that I stop thinking about that thing which makes me depressed and I would like to share it to my friends and parents if necessary."

"Whenever I wanted to cry I would lock myself in the bathroom and cry alone). My coping up mechanism was not talking about issues and just running from them, which I think was successful in avoiding further complications but gave me some serious insecurities which I can feel even now".

The most common reasons nowadays are career stress, family problems, fake friends, or betrayal. But you, my friend, are not alone in this, and to those who are somewhere out there suffering in silence, it's okay to not feel okay all the time. 

Let yourself feel, let yourself heal!

Reach out for help and whatever you need!

Take care!

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Positivity & Social Media

We all know how negative, fake or depressing social media can be. We all have been in a situation in which we were stuck in the long spiral of stalking the people who weren't even worthy of 1 minute of our life. Well, even I've been there and destroyed my mental health along the way. It's hard as it is to stay positive and not compare yourself with other people but people on social media who show they have a "Perfect Life" makes it more difficult, but I'm sorry to burst your bubble but there is no such thing as a perfect life. Everyone has problems to deal with, which they wouldn't show on social media. Each and every human being has a secret problem or problems to deal with which they never share with anyone(not even their best friends). So stop wasting your time on the people who you don't even know, who hurt you, or who made your life miserable, THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT WORTH YOUR TIME.

I've been there and done that, and I know what you are feeling and what you are dealing with but social media is not going to help you get through your dark or sad time. You gotta take your life and your social media under control and make it as positive you can!

If you are a social media addict and can't get off of social media here are some ways you can make your feed positive and inspiring-


Unfollow the people who are being a threat to your mental health. These people can be

  •  A celebrity with a perfect life/body/face but trust me most of them have tons of makeup, and innumerous filters and they don't show you their real self or real life.
  • No contact from toxic people, friends or maybe an ex-boyfriend, I know how hard it can be to not stalk them but trust me it's for the best. Till you are in your followers or following, you can't truly move on. And you deserve so much more than these Toxic people. (a little tip- I would rather block them than just unfollow them).
  • "Popular people" of your school or college, with perfect friendships, perfect boyfriends, perfect social lives. but let me tell you there is no such thing as that, they are just better at hiding the reality and showcasing the perfect version of their life (which is not true). 

Follow more positive and inspiring profiles such as-

  • Cute puppy/kitten profiles
  • Self-care profiles
  • Profiles that show their REAL SELF with all the flaws, acne, pigmentations, hair falls, depression, sad days with the happy days. 
  • Profiles that promote mental health. 
  • Baby profiles
  • Study/Work inspiring profiles
  • Profiles about something that makes you happy (like- journals, music, movies, series, drawings, painting, novels, etc.)

Organise your feed that INSPIRES you, and makes you HAPPY!

Thursday 15 July 2021

Ways to take care of your MENTAL HEALTH


Whenever someone hears the word “health” their mind automatically goes to fitness, diet, exercises, etc but HEALTH is way more than just physical fitness or how healthy a person is physically, but only some think about their mental health too. In the time of COVID-19, lockdowns, and pandemics it is not only difficult to maintain our physical health as we are not having a proper sleeping schedule, eating habits, etc. but also there has been a huge toll on mental health too.

Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively, and can make a contribution to his or her community. This is just the technical explanation of what mental health is, but do we really understand it? or even if we do, do we take care of our mental health? Now, this is the question everyone should ask themselves.

Many of us are facing challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Public health actions, such as social distancing, are necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but they can make us feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. 

So there are some ways in which I take care of my mental health and I want to share it with all of you who are reading my blog-

1. STAY AWAY FROM SOCIAL MEDIA NEGATIVITY- Now you will be thinking that it is very difficult or everyone is on social media, how will we live without our daily hours of social media but has anyone of you thought about how social media is telling what to do, how to be, the perfect bodies, makeups, glow-ups, filters and many of us see them and think that do we even fit in this “perfect world” with all of our “imperfections”. THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN BE CALLED “PERFECT BODIES” OR “WAY TO BEHAVE”. All of us were made different for a reason. Everyone has their flaws or what people call “imperfections”. We all need to accept ourselves and everyone else too the way they are and not expect them to be a “certain way”. WE ALL ARE PERFECT IN DIFFERENT WAYS AND WE NEED TO ACCEPT THAT EVERYONE IS PERFECT. We should not judge people and especially ourselves.


2.   DE-CLUTTER- De-clutter and arrange your belongings and surroundings and trust me this will immediately brighten up your mood. What we see mostly reflects on our mood, if you see a properly arranged table, bookshelf, bed, cupboard you will automatically feel good and motivated.


3.     MAKE PLAYLIST OF YOUR FAVORITE SONGS- Making the playlist is a way of treating yourself. While you will be making a playlist you’ll listen to songs and organize your favorite songs that may lift up your mood or help you feel and think the thoughts you have been avoiding and think what you can do or not do so that YOU feel better.


4.     PRIORITIZE YOURSELF- if you think you need a break, take it. If you think you want to do something, do it. If you don’t feel like doing what you are asked to, deny it, there is no harm in saying no and prioritizing yourself and what is best for you, it's not selfish it's self-care.


5.     WRITE JOURNAL- This may seem hard or childish but IT ACTUALLY HELPS. When you write down all your thoughts, happenings of a day it helps you organize your thoughts. There is no certain way of writing a journal, just start anytime and anywhere you want. Just write in any form or way you want, or how you feel.


6.     TAKE TIME FOR WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY- Anything you wanted to do and thought you don’t have time for it, make time. You can wake up early or stay up late, take breaks or do it on weekends, it depends upon you, what and how you want to do. These are some of the things that you can try which can make you happy-

·       Singing

·       Reading a book

·       Drawing

·       Painting

·       Listening to music

·       Watching a movie

·       Playing games

·       Watching cartoons



Take care!